Becoming Unstoppable: A 6 Month Mentorship Program for Visionary Women of Color Entrepreneurs

Becoming Unstoppable is for you if:

You have a business, and you’re making money, but you’re working way too hard. You’ve managed to generate success. But at what cost? You’re burnt out and overwhelmed. You don’t have enough time to do the things you love, and your personal relationships are suffering. Your dream is starting to feel like a burden; instead of owning a business that affords you the freedom and spaciousness you envisioned having when you started, you own a “job” that pays the bills but doesn’t nourish you.

You’re in the early stages of building your business, and you’re feeling stuck. You’re getting by, but you keep hitting the same success ceiling. You have the feeling that if you could just shift some of your habits, and get out of your own way, you could break through that upper limit and be more successful than you’ve ever been.

You’re thinking about starting your own business, but your fears are keeping you from taking the leap. You have the business know how and the resources to get started, but you’re up against all the limiting beliefs that make it hard for you to move towards what you truly want.

This work is about reclaiming your vision and eliminating limiting beliefs that get in the way of your success and fulfillment.  It is about mastering the mental and emotional game of being a visionary woman leading a mission-driven business.

You’ve been plagued by:

Fear of not having enough money and being in a perpetual scarcity crisis

Fear of owning your authority and setting boundaries because you’re afraid of being perceived as bitchy or mean and you’re not comfortable having that much power

Fear of delegating because you don’ t trust that anyone can do what you do as well as you can do it

Fear of setting boundaries with customers because you’ve always believed you have to go above and beyond just to be good enough

Fear of taking care of your own needs because you’re so busy showing up for everyone else, that you don’t actually remember to get in touch with your own needs and desires

Fear of being successful because you’re afraid you’ll be perceived as a sell-out, or that you’ll have to leave people you care about behind

Fear of being too “big” and taking up too much space because you’ve been told that you’re “too much”, too passionate, too intimidating, too opinionated or too loud

Why did I put the program together for you?

I put this program together for you because I know what it means to want to live a purpose-driven life and build a business that has meaning.  You’re in business because you have a big dream.  You want to make a difference, and you want to do it your way – with heart, integrity, humanity and grace.

At your core, you’ve always been pretty different — someone who thinks “outside the box”.  You know your unique way of thinking and being in the world means that you have something to offer that could make people’s lives better in some way, but you find yourself stuck in a cycle that makes it easy to forget your bigger purpose.

You aren’t bought into some old stodgy way of thinking about how business should be. You want to build an ethical and sustainable business that honors you, your clients, your employees, and this marvelous planet we live on, all while living a life that you love.

I believe that it’s possible to build a business that truly serves while living a life you can celebrate, and I want to support you in making it happen.

Think about every morning you wake up dreading the day to come because you don’t have the resources to handle what’s in front of you.  What is it costing you?  In dollars?  In time with loved ones?  In mental and physical health?  What is it costing you to keep suffering through your day, your life?

The time to make a change, and get your life back, is now!  You don’t have to tolerate a life that isn’t working for you. You can take steps towards creating the life you want, and building a business that makes a difference, today.

How can you be accepted into the private group mentorship program?

Participation in the mentorship program is strictly limited.  I only have 12 spots available for the six month program which starts in September 2019.  Stay tuned for more information about the application process.  You can also email me at to get on the program update list.

Through this high level, private mentoring experience, you will…

  1. Get clear about who you are, what you’re doing and where you’re headed.  You’ll remember what matters to you and move towards your vision with clarity, focus and commitment.
  2. Get your body back!  You’ll get more in touch with your body, and start taking care of yourself in a different way so that you have more energy to move towards your goals.  You’ll begin to experience your body as a resource that helps you make better decisions and supports you in deepening your relationships.
  3. Get out of your own way!   Identify the key patterns of self-sabotage in your life and develop effective practices for removing these blocks to success.  Do a deep dive into the seven core areas of your life to identify behaviors, habits, situations and relationship dynamics that you are tolerating that distract your focus, drain your energy, and stop you from moving towards success and living your best life.
  4. Get your life back!  Cultivate healthy boundaries.  You’ll learn to stop giving yourself away.  Your time is precious, and the only way to get where you want to go is to safeguard your time and energy.  Nip interruptions in the bud, and get focused on what matters so you can have more time and make more money doing what you love.
  5. Get Connected!  Expand and deepen your support network, and get people on board with your vision so that the people around you contribute to your process, rather than detracting from it.
  6. Become unstoppable!  Stop getting derailed by other people’s priorities and move through obstacles and upsets more quickly and effectively.
  7. Celebrate your freedom!  Step into your power, claim your magnificence and discover the power of passionate leadership presence.  Stop being afraid to take up space.  Own your authority with grace and heart-centered presence, and embody the fullness of your potential as a visionary leader.

You have something important to contribute… to your customers… to your community… to this planet.  Don’t waste another minute playing small.  My commitment is to give you the step-by-step training, loving coaching, targeted strategy and nourishing support you need to be successful, play big and live a life that you love.
